Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 141 - On What Grounds

Chapter 141 - On What Grounds

Grandma Su wanted to throw her weight on the restaurant staff as Su Wan\'s grandmother and wanted to take away quite sone taels for her favourite grandson but the second she tried to broke the line , a huge uproar issued at once . The dock workers didn\'t know who Grandma Su was , so they abruptly pulled her back , telling her that if she needed to buy the food from the restaurant she need to line in . When have? Grandma Su ever suffered through such a situation ? She immediately blew up .

" who are you to tell me to line up ? Pei ! Do you know who I\'m ? I am the grandmother of this restaurant \'s owner ! Why can\'t I go in directly why do I need to line up like you peasants ?" Old grandmother Su was used to scolding Su Wan ,or anyone related to her . She had also scolded Shen Shui until the latter suffered from depression , so she had no qualms in scolding the dock workers who were lining up to purchase the food from her granddaughter \'s restaurant .

But this was where grandmother Su went wrong , since Su Bai didn\'t tell her the facade that actually happened , grandmother Su didn\'t know that almost everyone on the docks knew that Su Wan had bitter relationship with her natal family and that her husband who was currently the boss of the restaurant despised his in laws .

So they created even a more louder ruckus than grandmother Su , all the ruckus - attracted Lin Yan \'s attention and he walked out of the restaurant to see what was going on . Among Su Wan\'s five husbands the one grandmother Su feared the most was Lin Yan , with that fierce warrior like expression, tall and strong body and that that poisonous tongue that respected no one - Grandmother Su didn\'t want to face Lin Yan and get her old face thrown on the ground so she hurriedly escaped without looking back.

That night when Grandma Su returned home ,she was so upset that she ended up getting a fever . She would toss this way and that , grumbling to Su Bai about the heavy losses they were suffering . Su Bai didn\'t think that his mother would actually travel so far to the docks , however when he found out that his mother didn\'t come to know about his insulting incident . He heaved a sigh of relief and then left Chu Yin to take care of his mother , with no Su Wan to take care of their fields , the responsibility of taking care of those fields fell on Su Bai \'s shoulder, the Su family loved to see their earnings but they were lazy when it came to working for their earnings .

Previously , Su Wan took care of the fields , she alone was responsible for weeding , sowing seeds and harvesting - Su Bai only wrapped their crops and took them to the market for selling . Of course it goes without saying that the entire profit fell in his pockets and nothing was given to Su Wan except new work load .

Now that Su Wan wasn\'t here to work on the fields, Su Bai who had never worked on the fields was finding it hard to work in the fields . He wanted to hire help to weed and harvest his fields but it was the autumn season and many villagers were already busy with their own fields and those who were free - they were asking a wage of twenty cents a day .

Twenty cents wasn\'t much but to Su Bai who was used to ordering Su Wan around and having his fields weeded , sowed and harvested without spending a single cent found it too expensive . In the end Su Bai decided to harvest his fields on his own but there was a problem , no one in his family was ready to help him out . Chu Yin would complain about her waist and Su Lan would skip on work saying that her skin was prone to darkening if exposed to sun too much as she was preparing to get married , she couldn\'t risk it . And Su Cheng was his family\'s little darling , he was carrying everyone\'s dream of becoming a family of official on his shoulder , there was no way Su Bai could ask Su Cheng to help and disturb his studies .

So he could only grit his teeth and do the work on his own . However , after a week of hard work he couldn\'t do it anymore , thus when he returned home after working for the entire day , Su Bai headed to Su Lan\'s room directly .

" Lan \'er tomorrow morning you get ready and come to work in fields with me " Su Bai was thoroughly upset after comparing the differences in his family and the other villagers family , not only the family of the men in the village helped them in harvesting , their wives would prepare lunch for their husbands as well . But he , Su Bai who was considered a little land lord had to work on his own.! Su Bai could no longer withstand this unfair treatment , why was it that the families of other villagers were helping them out but not his - why was it that other villagers wives were cooking for their husbands but his wife was spending time gossiping ? On what basis was he asked to work as a stupid mule while all the other members of his family can sit back and relax ?

Su Bai also realised that even though Su Cheng \'s studies cost a lot , the remaining money was spent by the mother and daughter pair in shopping and goofing around ! These two lazy bones didn\'t want to work but wanted to spend ! On what grounds !

Of course he only realised the unfairness when he well being was in consideration .

Thus , Su Bai who nearly suffered a heat stroke in this autumn weather was determinant to take his wife and daughter to the fields with him tomorrow .

Su Lan who has always been pampered and was waiting for a lord from the city to come and marry her , immediately pulled a long face . Flinging the fan on her bed , she unhappily retorted " Father , you know I\'m waiting for my marriage , right ? If my skin gets tanned who will dare to marry me , wouldn\'t I be wronged if I get just some riffraff of a husband ?"

If this was before Su Bai would have let the matter rest but now , Su Bai who have never worked and never once retorted back by his Su Wan before immediately lost his temper under the stress and? because of his foul mood from morning? , Ever since Su Wan got married no one washed his clothes until he asked Chu Yin to wash them , the standard of cooking also fell with? all of these factors working , he immediately took the fan that Su Lan had flung on her bed and threw it on the ground " Good , you don\'t want to work then stop eating from now on ! You and your mother - both of you good for nothings you better not come asking for money from me for this and that from now on !"

This was Su Lan \'s first time getting scolded , she wasn\'t like Su Wan who was bullied and suppressed by Chu Yin thus , she immediately fought back " why I\'m your daughter ! I have a right on whatever you? earn "

" and Su Wan was my daughter too , wasn\'t she ? But didn\'t your mother make her go hungry when she didn\'t finish her work at fields ? Then it applies to you and your mother too from now ! If you don\'t work you won\'t eat ! End of the discussion " though Su Bai didn\'t like Su Wan but he had no qualms in using her to suppress Su Lan . After shouting at Su Lan , Su Bai walked out of her room without looking back !

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