The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 900: Brothers, Wei Wei Is Coming

Chapter 900: Brothers, Wei Wei Is Coming

Suddenly, the way that the man looked at Baili Shangxie and Helian Qingchen immediately changed!

From the very beginning, he had felt something peculiar, but he could not quite place a finger on it.

The two little brats were too quiet.

On top of that, they had not even cried once at all.

One had even brought him to see the police when they were still at the kindergarten.

If it were not for his quick thinking, he would have probably been arrested by now.

How can a three-year-old child be so intelligent?

When he was three, if someone offered him a sweet, he would have certainly followed that stranger away. He would never have thought of setting up a trap for that person.

This was undoubtedly something out of a fairytale!

The day had been going so smoothly before this, but ever since those two little brats appeared, endless problems kept troubling him.

Three people, three people have already died!

Yet, the two little brats did not even make a sound.

Are they not the least bit terrified by the sudden, unexplainable deaths?

Even if they aren’t scared, which child would have the sense of mind to take the money from the purse in this situation?

It’s too horrifying, it’s all too horrifying!

For some reason, he felt unnervingly pressured under the watchful gaze of these two children in front of him, especially the one that they had not even planned to kidnap. Those fierce red eyes, really make him look like, like a...demon!

There’s no mistake!

A demon who has emerged from Hell, emanating an unsettlingly evil yet elegant aura, and would kill without a moment’s hesitation!

The man shuddered at the thought. Regardless of whether it was his mind playing tricks on him, he no longer wanted to do this trade anymore.

Without further consideration, the man fled immediately with the bag of money in his hand.

Coincidentally, they had begun punching tickets on the train that he was about to hop on.

It would not seem out of place to others, even if he was running so quickly.

Furthermore, they were at a train station. No matter how small a city one was in, there would always be an unending supply of people queueing to have their tickets checked.

Baili Shangxie watched as his silhouette disappeared within the throng of people in a matter of seconds. His small eyebrows wrinkled deeply as he let out a cold snicker.

You’re trying to escape? Huh, what a joke. All this while, no one has been able to escape from my grip yet.

Moreover, he still had to use this lab rat to lure out the mastermind behind it all. Since he had decided to completely wipe them out, it must surely be done.

Little Qingchen also felt the same. So, without waiting for Baili Shangxie to speak, he leaped from his seat. As he took small steps forward with a wobbly gait, he did not forget to hold on to Baili Shangxie’s hand. Earnestly, he said, “I know which train he got on. Let’s follow him.”

From a young age, Little Qingchen had possessed a photographic memory. When the traffickers were handling their train tickets, he had already memorized the critical information on them. Not only did he remember the departure time, but he could also recall the exact seat number and carriage that the traffickers were seated in. All of this information was effortlessly crammed into his tiny brain.

Their only worry was that getting through security might pose a bit of a problem.

Little Qingchen lifted his head and tried his best to jump upward, but he still could not catch a glimpse of what was happening ahead.

Noticing the effort it was taking for him to jump, Baili Shangxie reached out and heaved his little body high up into the air!

Needless to say, even with the two of them huddled together, one on top of the other, their combined height was still shorter than a high-schooler...

“It looks like we’ll have to mooch some tickets.” Little Qingchen mumbled to himself as he continued to clutch Baili Shangxie’s hand in his, guiding him along like one of his little friends as they came to a stop in front of a couple.

The young couple had already noticed them previously, when the elder brother carried his younger brother and seated his younger twin down, asking him to sit still. The exchange was undeniably adorable.

Now that these two little ones were standing right in front of them, they could not suppress the urge to reach out and ruffle the younger child’s hair.

Little Qingchen instantly knew that his plan had succeeded. He merely raised his head to smile at the girl who was touching his head, as the two of them naturally entered the station along with the flow of the crowd.

No one would check the tickets of two children, and would simply assume that they were there with the adults behind them. After all, they were still too short to even need to buy tickets.

Especially since one of them looked awfully unsteady on their feet and was continually swaying back and forth.

Baili Shangxie was afraid that he might trip and hurt himself during the rush, so he quickly bent down to hold him in place. As he lowered his eyes, he helped Little Qingchen roll up those long sleeves of his.

“How adorable!”

“That’s the most caring brother I’ve seen, look at how he takes care of his younger brother.”

“He even helped him roll up his sleeves! Do you think he might also know how to tie that little baby’s shoelaces? They are absolutely adorable!”

Little Qingchen did not think too much of it. When Baili Shangxie asked him to lift his left arm, he would lift his left arm, and if he was asked to lift his right one, he would obey.

Those large, beady eyes peered sideways in the direction of the train, but it was not clear what he was looking at. The hair on his head had gotten a little messy, with several strands of fuzzy hair adorably standing upward, making him look like an obedient child.

After he was done tidying his sleeves, he stretched out his left hand and flicked at his right palm.

When they witnessed that, the surrounding onlookers wanted nothing more than to pull him into their arms and give him a good squeeze.

Little Qingchen’s actions that followed after this did not appear as silly anymore.

However, Baili Shangxie had no intention of letting him go and said, “Give me your hand, we must hold hands while we walk. There’s no need to rush, the train won’t start yet.” As long as he was here, the train would only move if and when he wanted it to.

Little Qingchen did not make a fuss before stretching out his hand. The two little ones were once again holding each other’s hands as they marched forward with small steps. Initially, everything was still quite alright...

However, the minute they entered the carriage, Baili Shangxie found it hard to continue moving. As his gaze swept past the endless amount of people before him, he licked his lips as he whispered, “So much food.”

Little Qingchen was at a total loss of words...

“You can’t eat them, just hang on a minute and I’ll buy you a lunchbox. I saw on the television that they sell lunch boxes on the train,” Little Qingchen said firmly as he held onto Baili Shangxie. It was also his first time boarding a train, since they usually traveled by plane, so he was rather unaccustomed to this as well.

Yet, standing in the midst of one’s food was something that required a great deal of restraint. As Baili Shangxie looked left and right, he could not help but fidget as he said, “When I ate that person from earlier, it’s not like you had anything to say.”

“That was a different case. Those people were traffickers, so you can eat them as you wish.” Baili Shangxie remained motionless there, thus Little Qingchen had to haul him away with all his might.

Baili Shangxie was still quite confused about it all and asked, “They are all the same ham sausages, what’s the difference?”

“Only you would think of humans as ham sausages.” Little Qingchen sighed resignedly and added, “The people here are just normal citizens, you mustn’t hurt them.”

“Why not?” His imperial father had never told him about what he could not eat. Oh wait, he did mention that I can’t eat dirty things. He said that this was the demons’ dining etiquette. However, looking at those people just now, he found them quite fresh and free of any sort of unpleasant odors. So, why can’t I eat them?

“That’s because they haven’t done anything wrong. If you kill them, that means you would’ve done something wrong, and if that happens...” Little Qingchen suddenly paused, and held his hand up to his forehead like a tiny adult as he continued, “Why am I even trying to argue with you about this.”

This inhuman person was obviously devoid of any sense of good or evil. In his eyes, there was no difference between a trafficker and a regular person. They were all ham sausages to him, regardless. Perhaps, the only slight distinction was their brands.

“I’m hungry.” Little friend Baili Shangxie was extremely cool as he just uttered these two words to Little Qingchen. His eyes narrowed with dissatisfaction, as he prepared to take down the human nearest to him.

Little Qingchen immediately pulled him back and pitter-pattered over to the train attendant, who was manning the cart of snacks for sale. He looked up at her and said in an innocent childish voice, “Elder sister, do you have any chocolates? I’d like to buy a bar of it.”

It was a rare sight for such a young child to buy snacks on their own, so the train attendant was slightly taken aback. However, she soon recovered and replied with a sweet smile, “Of course we do, we have Dove chocolate, it’s 10 yuan for a bar.”

“I’ll take two.” Little Qingchen turned his tiny pocket inside out and managed to produce a 50-yuan bill. Reaching out with his tiny arms, he handed it over to her.

As soon as Baili Shangxie heard the word ‘chocolate’, he promptly lost all interest in his inexhaustible supply of ‘ham sausages’. He could eat those any time, so his eyes were glued onto the chocolate in Little Qingchen’s hands.

Little Qingchen was not exactly adept at unwrapping things. As he held the change in his little hand, he still could not unwrap the chocolate bar, even after fumbling about for a while.

Baili Shangxie searched for an empty seat and hoisted Little Qingchen up so he could sit on it. Then, he unwrapped the two bars of chocolate, one for himself and the other to feed Little Qingchen.

After eating about half the chocolate, Baili Shangxie remembered that a human’s anatomy was different from his, so he put away Little Qingchen’s chocolate as he solemnly said, “Kids should refrain from eating too much chocolate.”

The people around them could not help but break into amused chuckles upon hearing this.

“This elder brother has quite the character, he’s still a little kid himself.”

In all honesty, Little Qingchen still wanted to devour the chocolate. However, he knew that if he continued eating it, his teeth would definitely hurt later. He tried to endure the pain as he eyed the half-eaten chocolate bar again.

With one mouthful, Baili Shangxie gobbled down the rest of the chocolate. His voice still cool as he said, “We need to go look for that man.”

“Hmm.” Little Qingchen patted his tiny pocket then continued to waddle close behind Baili Shangxie.

By now, the train had already departed for roughly 10 minutes. The trafficker did not expect Baili Shangxie and Little Qingchen to follow him on-board and thought that the issue had already been resolved. He leaned on the side of the carriage and rubbed the back of his head, as he took long drags off of a recently-lit cigarette.

Contrary to planes and high-speed rail, smoking was allowed in regular trains. Hence, it was not unusual to find groups of people gathered together to smoke in the refreshment carriage.

The trafficker did not purchase a seat ticket. After a series of unfortunate events, he planned to take a bus straight into the Yungui District when he disembarked the train. Then, he would get on to the train where the exchange was supposed to happen. Without the children, taking the bus was the safest and easiest way for him to evade any sort of investigation.

The incident at the small inn could be kept hidden for some time. However, the lady who died at the train station would surely not go unnoticed by the busy crowd, which would lead the police there in less than a day.

Once he had completed this business deal, he would immediately exit from the Yun Nan border. Otherwise, who knew what danger he would encounter next...

After he had ended his train of thoughts, the trafficker punched the wall beside him in fury. Fortunately, he was still in the washroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and splashed his face with the ice-cold water, before he rang someone and said, “Master, another person has died. The goods? I didn’t bring the goods with me, I have a hunch that these two little brats are too bizarre, they are simply too abnormal! That’s right, I’m now on the train, and will arrive in about three hours. The other goods are all still here. Later, I’ll ask someone to move them all aboard the train.”

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