Mystical Journey

Chapter 496: Battle 4

Gathering his thoughts, Garen suppressed the Totem Light force field before removing a Cthulhu’s Origin crystal ball from his belt.

The three Cthulhu’s Origins inside were rotating around one another, forming a beautiful ring.

Light God’s Origin, Time God’s Origin, War God’s Origin.

The white, black and red halos rotated constantly, endlessly. The Cthulhu’s Will inside had already been removed completely, removed by the Cthulhu King to locate its coordinates.

Currently, these three Cthulhu’s Origins had become absorbable powerful treasures.

Despite this, Garen was unsure of how to absorb this to receive the Origin’s effect; different resources required different absorption methods, while medicine could even become poisonous.

It was the same as using external medicine internally. Not only would there be no benefits, it might even prove dangerous.

"The only one who truly knows how to use it is the historical, unnamed Obscuro Marshall." Garen thought about everything that happened at the Ancestral God Grounds, and quickly focused on the masked female Obscuro Marshall.

"I’ll go see the Cthulhuism Society first, if that doesn’t work, go find the female Obscuro Society Marshall!" he instructed himself in his mind.

The figure turned into a shroud of black smoke instantly and silently shot towards the Cthulhuism Society’s bloody wooden fortress.


The main door of the wooden fortress cracked open instantly and split inwards, violently smashing into a few followers who were guarding the place.

"Enemy attack!!"

A loud roar echoed from within the fortress.

Garen stood in front of the wooden main door, watching as the Cthulhuism Society’s followers clad in red leather clothes rushed out, each of them holding glowing red long spears as they charged towards him. A few Totem Users stood at the back, while both of their hands drew Tactics quickly. Layers of Tactical Formations slowly illuminated with white light in their surroundings. At the same time, many Totem beasts also pounced out from all four corners.

The corners of his mouth curled into a sneer, and without any movement, the Black Water True Technique began to rotate slowly.

Garen stepped on the ground.

A cloud of black Poison Mist was released suddenly, before it filled the surroundings.

Desperate cries rang out without cease, while a large group of Totem beasts that were caught in between wailed loudly.

With Garen as the center, all of the Cthulhuism Society’s followers prostrated on the ground and rolled around screaming. The flesh melted off their bodies instantly like a candle, until only their skeletons were left.

Soon, only white bones were left inside the entire fortress.

The strongest Cthulhuism Society Totem User was only Form 3 and had not even achieved Spiritualization yet. He had only resisted for little while longer in the Poison Mist.

Looking at the entire bloody fortress from a far, there were clouds of black Poison Mist that surrounded the fortress closely. They had taken on the shape of a dragon as it drifted past.

"Is there not even one person of substance here? What about the Cthulhus?" Garen furrowed his eyebrows and scanned his surroundings, noticing that within a short span of two minutes, this place had completely transformed into a dead city.

The hundreds of people inside had all become nutrients for the Black Water True Technique, fusing into the Poison Mist.

"This place is a great distance from the Ancestral God Grounds. Perhaps the Cthulhus have all returned to their respective stations," he furrowed his eyebrows and guessed. "However, I just need to destroy a few more of Cthulhuism Society’s bases, and the Cthulhus will probably appear by then."


Half a month later

Ender in the East Continent

Somewhere on the long coastline, blue-white waves crashed against the shore before receding, leaving dark water marks that disappeared almost instantly.

Two slender silhouettes walked side-by-side across the beach, strolling. Rays of light from the sunset bathed both of them, casting them in a layer of gold and red and causing two narrow shadows to form behind them.

"You’ve really made up your mind?" One of the silhouettes belonged to a young man clad in long black robes with dark gold lace trimmings. His chest was unclothed, exposing white bandages that were wrapped around his bare upper body and waist. Faint traces of blood on top lined the top.

"For the sake of this goal, how many years of hard work have we endured already? Just when we’re about to succeed, you decide to withdraw from seclusion?"

The other person was a woman who reached her hand out to comb her hair messed up by the sea breeze. Like the man, she also wore a long robe with dark gold lace trimmings, except that she also had a tight-fitting white T-shirt inside, while a black ring hung down in front of her ample chest.

The woman turned to the side and glanced at the unending seaside scenery, while a confused look appeared on her pale, average-looking face.

"You wouldn’t understand. It’s not the life I want." The white crescent-shaped earrings that hung from her ears shook slightly, adding some colour.

"Then what kind of life do you want?" asked the man faintly. "When we first joined Obscuro together, we decided that we would join and leave with each other, but now, I get out and the first thing I find out is that you want to retreat, don’t tell me there are people in the West Continent that dared to bully you?"

"To you, will I only ever be that little girl that gets bullied by everyone?" The woman could not help but smile. She kicked the pebbles on the beach while her head was lowered. "I’m just tired, my heart is tired."

The woman’s voice became softer.

"This life that is filled with nothing but chasing the unknown, it’s so tiring..."

"You promised me..."

"Don’t force me, okay?" The woman interrupted the man. "Have you not noticed? That I’m becoming less like myself?"

The man suddenly fell silent.

"How many years has it been since we strolled on the beach like this? Even though you and I both command a continent, and even if we stand any higher, or our powers become any stronger, what use would it be? A person would always feel exhausted in the end."

"So your trip to Daniela this time, was to obtain Love God’s Origin? And then retreat after it fused? Did you ever think of my feelings?" The man’s emotions began to bubble up. "I worked hard to become stronger, and made commanding a continent my only goal, for what exactly?"

He paused. "In the beginning, you said that once I achieved Spiritualization, you would consider marrying me. Then, I entered Spiritualization. Next, you said that because of your older brother, you couldn’t be selfish, so I needed to achieve Form 4 and help Big Bro before we could get married. And after that, I entered Form 4."

The woman bowed her head, lacking any rebuttal.

"Finally, you said that because of your brother, you had to head towards the West Continent, while being in charge of a military department." The man inhaled deeply. "For your sake, I determinedly immersed myself in your matters, and did unscrupulous things, before finally, becoming the head of the military in the whole continent. And now, you’re telling me that you’re prepared to retreat?!"

"I let you down..." The woman lowered her head.

"Hahaha..." The man laughed softly. "How many years has it been, don’t tell me these are the words you think I’ve been waiting for all these years?" His smile disappeared suddenly. He stared at the woman in front of him.

"Aixi, can I hold you, properly, one last time?"

The woman stayed silent, but her body inched closer to the man nonetheless.

The man suddenly took the woman in her arms tightly, as if he were holding the most valuable piece of treasure in the entire world. The unconcealable look of greed and desire appeared on his face and gaze, all hidden from an angle invisible to the woman.

"Let me hold you for a moment, just a moment... Alright?" he begged.

Perhaps it was because she felt guilty; the woman’s body stiffened slightly, but finally relaxed again, allowing the man to hold her tightly.

However, still out of the sight of the woman, the back of his palm faintly lit up with line after line of black symbols, The countless symbols soon crawled off the back of his right hand, like ants, quietly climbing onto the woman’s back.

"Aixi... You will always be mine, forever..."

The man murmured softly.

The woman suddenly realised something was wrong.

"God Cloud, let go of me!" She began to struggle, but it was useless. Her entire body had turned limp, as if she had no strength left. A burning sensation began to creep across the skin on her back.

"God Cloud! What are you doing?!"

"How pitiful..." Suddenly, a sympathetic male voice echoed out from nearby the two people.

"Who is it?!" God Cloud raised his head suddenly.

There was a crashing noise before a black chain exploded out from beneath the legs of the intruder, forming a hole. The chains disappeared instantly, forming a shadow.

Not far from the two people, stood a slender, well-built golden-haired man, whose tassel-like bright long hair was being blowing in the wind, a mocking expression plastered on his handsome face. He looked at the two people embracing one another.

"Didn’t think that I’d see such a romantic scene the moment I rushed over. Tch tch... Who would have thought the two Marshalls of Obscuro’s main military departments had this kind of.. confidential information."

"Black Swamp Palace Master Garen?" God Cloud loosened his grip on Aixi, holding her by the waist with one hand, propping her up against his own body. "Why are you here? If you’re here to get revenge after your breakthrough, I can accompany you anytime."

A look of faux surprise flashed across Garen’s face.

"I’ve always thought that you only liked men, I never expected that you would choose not not give up on women, too..."

"Damn you!"

God Cloud’s face suddenly contorted in rage.

Innumerable black chains shot out of the ground and flew towards Garen, before intertwining with one another and enveloping him, wrapping him into a metal ball in the blink of an eye.

However, strangely enough, all of the chains merely wrapped around air, and Garen appeared appeared in a different position from before. His hand reached out to pressed onto the surface of the chain ball gently.

Silently, the chain ball melted quickly into a black gooey liquid that fell onto the sandy beach.

"After spending such a long time in Kovitan as the concubine, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the daily love and care His Majesty Avic showed you, God Cloud? Tch tch... That’s really brutal," said Garen with a sympathetic look on his face.

The expression on God Cloud’s face became even more contorted, while violent strength seemed to be bursting out of him like an exploding volcano, like a dam about to burst.

Unfortunately, to protect one person while confronting the newly peaked Form 5 in front of him was beyond his abilities, even for someone like himself. Moreover, the Distorted Beads were not with him anymore, and in order to control Aixi, he had used up half of his Totem Light, causing him to be in his weakest state right now.

God Cloud’s gaze flashed, while black chains slowly arranged themselves in Tactical Formations throughout his surroundings in midair. The chains seemed to be dispersed in a chaotic manner, but within the chaos possessed hidden, ordered movements.

Garen sneered, snapping his fingers lightly.


A circle of black mist formed a ring and dispersed itself. It rushed straight for the black chain, quickly melting it into the same black viscous liquid before dropping onto the ground.

Within a range of a hundred meters around the three people, all of the living creatures were melted by the Poison Mist. Even the sea water turned slightly black.

"Trying to escape? I picked this timing on purpose, so why would I let you run away so easily?" Garen smiled. "To control your lover, you picked this location specially, and even arranged everything in advance. With such good timing, do you really think I would let you off so easily? Now, tell me about the fusion methods of the Cthulhu’s Origins."

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