Mystical Journey

Chapter 819 - Ripples 1

Chapter 819: Ripples 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“So which training method should I use for now?”

Garen glanced at the four training methods in front of him, each had their own pros and cons.

“Since I was going the long-range shooter route before, then I might as well go for long-range.”

Eventually, he still decided to continue as a long-range shooter, this was a path he had never taken before. Perhaps this might lead to new discoveries in his martial arts away, because he had always specialized in close combat before.

After making his choice, he moved his cursor to Galaxy Glow, and pressed confirm to buy the first level.


‘Ding-dong, you have successfully purchased Galaxy Glow, a note from the seller: this training method is slightly harder to level up, if you need a higher-level training method, please go to Thousand Star Region’s Thousand Star Academy for further study.’

Garen soon saw the ‘Download Complete’ notification on his Watch Terminal.

That was a yellow-covered book that looked like a traditional tome. It appeared on the screen of his Watch Terminal, and he pressed it lightly, flipping the pages inside. It was all covered in small and compact letters.

‘The Way of the Thousand Gods, begins with earnestness.’

The first line of the opening was a condensed sentence that seemed like Mandarin.

‘Every part of the human body had its own hidden consciousness, that is the instinctual will in the deepest recesses of the body. Fighting, eating, defending, attacking! Its most direct expression can be seen in the immune system and the natural reflexes. Any cell or tissue in the human body has its own independent and primal will, before they specialize and gather into the other organs, tissues, or cells, they are each the most primal living cell. And what we are trying to do, is to reactivate the instinctual will of these cells once more.’

“Interesting.” Garen glanced at it, and seemed to find this theory somewhat possible. So he continued reading.

‘The cell’s natural reflexes are to absorb, attack, defend, or escape, but all of these have a complete theme, and that is survival. The human body, and other living creatures, are made of countless such cells. Therefore, the most basic instinct at the core of the human body, the strongest instinct, is also survival. The desire to survive is the source of all motivation, it’s the basic reason why people fight, in order to live, in order to have better lives. Everything humans do is so that they can reach this aim. Because this is the collective will of countless cells, the deepest will at the very core of every cell in the human body.’

‘The Way of the Thousand Gods intends to activate this deepest level of consciousness, activating the cells in every part and allowing them to have their own battle instinct. Theoretically, according to the structure of the different cells, many of our prodigious predecessors have experimented and discovered that the most the human body can achieve is...’ And the remainder was wiped away, just plain white with nothing else. Evidently, the person who leaked it out did not want outsiders to see that.

Garen was growing more fascinated, this theory was rather deep, huh. It definitely was not something a mere Level Three training method could cover. He understood that this thing was definitely the abridged version of a higher-level training method, looks like this training method had some history behind its roots.

After the part that was obscured, there was just a tiny bit of the remaining training method left. It only had three levels and three grades. Two of the levels were empty, he could only see them once he bought them.

And now all he could see what the first grade, or the Level One training method. There were also many training videos, lectures, live battle demonstration, and practical applications attached.

Garen looked at it briefly.

He was already at the Advanced Basic Level, and he was this close to properly achieving Level One. When he reached that, he would no longer have to rely on the Moonfang to disguise himself. To him, this was something he had been looking forward to for a long time. He just needed to get through this period steadily.

He immediately practiced once according to the training method he had just obtained. As expected, a slightly higher-level training method was different, he could instantly feel that his rate of progress was unspeakably better than the previous Blackboard training method, where he could not feel anything at all.

If he continued at this pace, he would just need four or five months, and if all went well, he would have reached Level One. But even these four or five months were too long.

“Now I wait for the white Rainbow Stones.”

Garen looked at the light outside the window, it was especially bright at eight or nine o’clock.

“It’s been a while since I left the house, maybe I should go for a walk.”

There was something happening outside the academy, because he could hear a constant stream of soothing music, it seemed to be something like a dance tune.

Garen walked up to the window and opened it to look outside first. Through the cracks in the 槐树的, he could see a man-made grassy slope beside the alloy floor. There was a radio on the lawn, and they were having a friendly dance event out in the open, or rather, it was a friendly dance training session.

Some of the students were not very talented, and some did not try very hard either. They came to the academy to meet people and make connections, so there were countless such events.

The person organizing this open-air dance hall was an elegant man with long green hair, he wore the third years’ uniform, and stood beside the floor with a smile, holding a glass of jade-green wine as he chatted occasionally with the students around him.

There was a band playing softly in the middle of the dance floor, composed fully of good-looking men and women who would occasionally flirt with the other students.

Garen had also begun to understand the habits of the students here, as long as they fancied each other, the culture here did not really place much importance on virginity. If someone caught your eye, it was common to just rent a room at night and have a one-off thing. And it was very hard to determine if a woman was a virgin or not too, because it was too easy to fix that membrane. And thanks to their Willpower training, there were also many women who resembled young girls in terms of their bodies, looks, and aura, even if they had already slept with many men.

The training of Willpower had improved humanity’s genes, so there were more and more good-looking men and women. Even if they were not handsome or beautiful, they could make up for it with their presence, so it was not surprising that things were so open here.

He drew the curtains completely, opening the windows, and allowing air to enter the room.

Only then did Garen wash up, put on his clothes, and walk to the door.

Just as he had opened the door with a clack.

“Hey, Nonosiva, are you going to get breakfast?” Apparently, a girl had moved into the opposite dorm at some point. She looked cute and sweet, with shoulder-length curly light brown hair. She wore a small tight white skirt with a black pattern, it was very short, and nearly revealed the roots of her thighs. Her legs were very long and round, though, and she wore a thin black silk hose around them, which showed how much thought she put into them.

The girl smiled sweetly at Garen, and she was even holding a pale yellow straw hat in her hands, dotted with small white flowers.

“How do you know my name?” Garen was slightly surprised.

“Over there.” The girl pointed at the wall to Garen’s right with a smile.

Garen turned around to look, and saw his name and classroom hanging on the wall.

“Do you want to go together?” She winked at him. “I just moved here two days ago, do you mind showing me around?”

Garen looked at his watch, closed the training method book, and set up a password on it.

“You’re Lucianne-Kell?” He looked at the sign on her door. “Sure, I can show you around, come with me.”

“I just entered the school recently, so I’m not very familiar with the surroundings, I hope you’ll take care of me, Nono.” Kell was very friendly from the start, she did not seem scared of strangers at all.

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Garen smiled and nodded politely. “What about the person who was staying there before?”

“Left the school, they were advised to drop out because their results didn’t make the mark. What to do, we can’t relax for a moment, even if we’ve managed to enter the school.” Lucianne-Kell shrugged helplessly, holding her palms up, and then she turned her gaze. “I heard that Nono’s in second year now, and you’re one of the Academy’s few First Seats, could you help tutor me when you have time? I’m always kinda scared when it comes to controlling mechs... I never know what to do.”

“If I have time, I’ll consider.”

Garen smiled.

As the two of them continued walking, many people greeted Garen as though it was natural. Most of them were people he had met before but never spoken to, and now they were all acting familiar with him, waving and greeting him naturally.

“You’ve finally come out, it’s good for you to come out for a walk when you got time, y’know.” Two boys from his class met Garen and Kell, and smiled at them **ly(1).

“Yeah, it’s really boring to stay in the dorm all day too. I saw them having a ball outside, so I came out to admire it for a bit, and relax.” Garen was not very close to these boys, but at least he knew them a lot better than the others, so his smile was a lot more natural as well.

“I hear Mondo went to your place a few days back, is that for real?” one of the boys came up to him and asked quietly.

“Mondo?” Garen was taken by surprise, he had not thought it would be that guy’s influence.

“Yeah, Mondo is one of the military’s big heirs, he’s pretty powerful in the academy too, and he went to your place personally. Everyone’s talking about that now,” the boy said in a very small voice.

“It’s not much, just about me joining the Blue Narcissus. He just happened to be coming over to give me the membership card, it was on his way.” Garen knew that the fact that he had joined the Blue Narcissus would get out really soon. After all, the other Thousand Year Trees and Black Roses were not going to keep it a secret for him, and besides, it was not that big a deal.

“Blue Narcissus...!” But as soon as he said it, the two boys’ mouths turned O-shaped, and even the pupils of a girl who just happened to be passing by dilated.

As for Lucianne-Kell, who was beside him, her face gave a huge jolt.

The three of them instantly fell silent, they evidently needed time to digest the weight of that news.

Garen felt as though he had underestimated the importance of the Blue Narcissus organization, or rather, its position in the hearts of regular students.

“You mean that extremely mysterious Blue Narcissus, whose members are all heirs and heiresses?” the other boy could not help but ask.

“Is there a problem?” Garen asked in confusion.

“Throughout the whole school, do you have any idea how many people can join the Blue Narcissus every year? It’s less than five per grade! Oh my god!” the boy instantly lost it, looking at how calm Garen seemed, it was as though a stampede had run through his heart. This was such incredibly good news, and this guy did not act like it at all! He was wandering out here like it was nothing!

“Whatever, I’m gonna go get breakfast.”

Looking at the two boys wordlessly, Garen went past them by himself.

Lucianne-Kell stared for a moment, and then hurried to catch up.

Translator’s Notes:

No idea why this was censored?

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