Mystical Journey

Chapter 1048 - Unique Resonance 2

Chapter 1048: Unique Resonance 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Garen recalled the memories he saw in the Space-Time Print as he focused onto one of the people.

It was a tall man in white armor and mask. His shoulder length hair was as white as snow and his body was as slender as a woman. His eyes, the left one was red while the right one was blue and he gave off a cold and elegant vibe.

“Wild Mutt Chinande.”

Garen held onto the Peacock Stone’s Essence with one hand as he absorbed it. He absorbed it so quickly that one could see the essence shrink with their naked eye and it soon disappeared in his hand.

As the first one vanished, he proceeded to pick up the second one.

The White King’s underlying was the strongest Royal Star in this part of the Star Region. He was also the main culprit who lead the army to exterminate the entire Energy Machinist and the destruction of Planet Naga.

His strength was endless and no one had ever seen his face before.

“According to history, I will eventually die from this man during the Battle of Ice Age in a hundred years time,” Garen recalled the memories back in the Space-Time Imprint.

“The White King’s henchmen often hide their identities before the turmoil. If I could see through their disguise through these memories, perhaps I can find a way to survive...”

As Garen kept pondering on it, he realized that he currently didn’t have the strength to fight him as the difference between their strength was too far apart. He was as helpless as a baby even when he reached Inherited Level. He currently hadn’t even reached Resonance Level yet.

He put away his thoughts.

Garen then picked up the last Peacock Stone’s Essence as he absorbed it swiftly into his palm.

He finally started to break through into Resonance...

He started focusing his gaze on the Black Scarlet Snow Crystal.

He didn’t react immediately as he focused and adjusted his breathing rhythm quietly.

Garen did nothing as time passed slowly.

An hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...


Garen opened his eyes out of the blue as a huge scarlet red halo shot out from his body, instantly caging the wolves around him.


The wolves started raising their heads as they howled. Their bodies started glowing red as Garen and the wolves shone at each other.


Garen roared.

Two Energy Imprints which were on the verge of materializing appeared behind his bodies. One of them was the Winter Night Wolf whereas the other one was a normal Giant Wolf. Both wolves started trembling as they bathed in the red light.

Garen grabbed onto the black Scarlet Snow Crystals at lightning speed and crushed them. In that instant, the normal Scarlet Snow Crystals around him exploded.

The Scarlet Snow Crystals gathered as they formed a river of black debris levitating above the ground and rushed towards Garen’s head.


Garen opened his mouth and absorbed all the debris like a whale.

As he absorbed the debris, the Resonance around him and the wolves’ body became stronger.

On the other hand, the two Machine Imprints behind Garen started to tremble greatly.

Suddenly, a clear sound could be heard.


Two of the Machine Imprints exploded, turning into debris that were as clear as crystals as they floated behind Garen’s body.


A streak of red light came out from one of the wolve’s body.

Pew pew...

Another two giant wolves’ shot out the read beams at the Machine Imprints behind Garen.

Then there were more of them doing the same thing. Three of them, five of them! Ten of them!

More and more wolves started releasing the red beams at the Machine Imprints behind Garen’s with great accuracy.

Fifty plus of these red lines focused onto the debris and they soon formed into a red sphere levitating in the middle of the room.

‘Analysing... You’ve entered Resonance Level New Moon.’ The Monitoring System inside the secret chamber said.

‘Increasing Resonance Level... 5%... 10%... 29%... 45%... 60%... Stagnation phenomenon has occurred... Stopping Resonance progress...’ The Monitoring System reported the actual event in details just as Garen had configured.

Garen was anxious as he kept micromanaging the huge amount of Machine Imprint to gather together.

What looked like a random gather of the debris were actually being constructed in an orderly and unique manner.

“60%!” He was on cloud nine when he heard the monitoring system.

The New Moon Level was at 20%, Half Moon Level 40% and a Full Moon Level was at 60%.

It seemed that he had jumped over two Levels and reached the Full Moon Level by using the black Scarlet Snow Crystals. A Pilot could merge with his Mech to reconstruct his body when he reached the Half Moon Level. It was the same case with the Energy Machinists as well as they could merge with their Energy Machines at the Half Moon Level to increase their strength rapidly.

At the Full Moon Level, their Resonance had increased up to 60%! This was extremely powerful as it meant that fifty of these Energy Machines, the giant wolves could instantly lend out 60% of their strengths towards Garen.

Garen’s current Willpower was as strong as a typical Energy Machinist, which was nothing special. Afterall, he was not a genius.

However, He now could enter Resonance with fifty of his Energy Machines and borrowed 60% of the giant wolves’ strength. Although each of these wolves possessed the Willpower of only New Moon Level to Half Moon Level, he had enough of them. To gather fifty of these wolves’ strength all at once...

This strength...

As Garen was in the middle of his excitement, the wolves’ stomach started glowing blue.


Suddenly, a giant wolf exploded as blood and meats flew about everywhere, staining the whole secret chamber.

Boom boom boom!!

As if it was a chain reaction, the second giant wolf exploded. Then the third, the fourth...

The blue light kept glowing while gathering on the Energy Imprint debris behind Garen within the midst of explosion as the wolves started exploding one by one.

The Cold Radiation Field that Garen knew very well started emitting out from the imprints...

“This is! The Distorted Seed!” Garen was stunned. He could recreate the wolves if they were destroyed but this time it was the distorted seeds that were causing the anomaly.

He quickly glanced at the Soul Seed within his mind. He was relieved as he didn’t see it giving off warning and he assumed that these series of events should be related to the Living Secret Technique’s Distorted Seed.

“Resonance is stagnating... Irregularity has been detected! Irregularity has been detected!!”

Suddenly the monitoring system reported hastily. ‘Unknown phenomenon has occurred. Please stop Resonating immediately. Please stop Resonating immediately!!”

Garen hesitated as he looked at his soul seed once again. He gritted his teeth and believed his own soul seed’s warning and not some artificial intelligence’s analysis.

Soon fifty of the giant wolves exploded as all of the distorted seeds gathered behind Garen.

A dark red halo exploded behind him without emitting any sound. It was pure dark red as it painted the entire secret chamber.

Then, a snowflake started to fall down on top of Garen.

The snowflake wasn’t white but red.

These exquisite hexagonal snowflakes danced in the air as it landed on Garen’s side and the meats of the giant wolves on the secret chamber’s wall.

‘Unknown energy is pouring in... Resonance Level is increasing... Resonance Level is increasing...’ The monitoring system started ringing.

Garen opened his mouth as he spewed out five streams of Scarlet Mists, which was then absorbed into the red debris behind him.

The debris finally had a slight reaction after merging with the Scarlet Mists.

It started to shrink rapidly from the size of a fist to the size of a nail before entering Garen’s brain from the back at great speed.


Garen’s body jolted as he opened his eyes.


‘Congratulate master for achieving Two-Moons Level!’ The intelligence system voiced out in a woman’s tone.

“I thought it was just a Full Moon Level. I didn’t expect the Distorted Seed to instantly increase the Resonance between the Energy Machines and I! I guess it’s reasonable since the Distorted Seed is supposed to change the characteristic of the Energy Imprints similar to mine. It would be weird if the Resonance isn’t high!”

Garen soon understood the effects of the Living Secret Technique during the process.

The host body of the Hellfrost Peacock would naturally have a high Resonance to its radiated biological weapons. Hence the result was very natural.

Garen even believed that he would have been able to achieve Full Moon Level Resonance even if he were to not use the black Scarlet Snow Crystals. Afterall, the Resonance between the body and the Distorted Seed was high to begin with.

Garen stood up inside the secret chamber. His shirt was filled with minced meat and blood, dyed in red.

Finally, he picked up the Ice Series Technique Book and gently opened it. There was an item inside it.

It was the Staff of Absolute Yin!

This Staff of Absolute Yin was extremely small and short, spanning only half the length of the book. However, it was enough to calm Garen’s anxiety.

Princess Aine had indeed put in a lot of effort. Hence, he had definitely owed her a huge favor.

“I wish to have more of these kinds of favors. The more the merrier.”

‘Master, there is a new parcel. Please take note. There is a new parcel. Please Take note.’ The intelligent system rang.

“Clean up the secret chamber,” Garen ordered as he took off his shirt that had been stained with minced flesh and blood. He left it in the secret chamber as he walked out of it with his undershirt.

He felt different after entering the Two-Moons Level.

It was as if he had tens of visions when he focused his sight on something. This feeling was similar to him being split into ten people looking at the same item and it felt very strange.

Garen understood that these were the visions of his Energy Machines. His Energy Machines didn’t die as they exploded. Instead, they lost their material body and had merged with his Willpower. They would then fight alongside him in a unique way.

This was the unique characteristic of Planet Naga’s Energy Machinist. They were able to nurture their Energy Machines and absorb it to be a part of them.

“What powerful force...”

Garen gently clenched his fist and he could feel that his body was extremely energized. Energy kept flowing out from his abdomen and spread across his entire body. He then looked at his Attribute Pane.

He was stunned as he looked at it.

His Strength had increased by 21 points! Agility had increased by five points and his Vitality, which was very great at the foundation had increased by twenty points!

It was an extreme change.

His strength had soared to the twenties from the single digit!

He then looked at the values again in case he saw it wrongly.

‘Nonosiva Lin — Strength 24.1, Agility 12.1, Vitality 24.8, Intelligence 8.1, Potential 230%, Soul Limit 40.’

“The strength of Resonance.... Is this powerful!! No wonder they say that the Resonance Level and a typical Level Five are two worlds apart! No wonder...” Garen instantly understood why the Resonance Level was segregated from Level Five and had their own Levels from the New Moon to Two-Moons.

“Indeed, the difference is too drastic and it’s basically at a different level!”

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