Later, He Became A Royal Healer

Chapter 84 - Sure.

Chapter 84 - Sure.

You Liangxing glanced at him. Without any prior warning, his originally straight, long legs slanted sideways as he pressed the sole of his foot on Kang Shengzhe’s hipbone before he erupted with a violent force. In a blink of an eye, the taller man felt like his world was spinning as he was pushed to the ground with a loud thud.

Kang Shengzhe groaned, “Hey— why are you.... Ah~”

The serious atmosphere was thoroughly obliterated by the sounds coming out from his throat. Kang Shengzhe always had a delayed reaction where pain was concerned; even if he landed two heavy blows on him, he would not utter a single word of pain and it was obvious from his tone of voice that he was doing it on purpose. After allowing him to groan several times, You Liangxing eventually said, “That’s enough, you should be shutting up by now.”

Kang Shengzhe said, “It’s still a long way off, I want to continue groaning.”

When his words landed, You Liangxing slammed a pillow into his face. Kang Shengzhe’s groaning ceased abruptly, and he changed his tune. “I must say, this really is heaven. Even the floorboards in Liang Liang’s house are so soft and comfortable.”

You Liangxing snorted coldly.

Kang Shengzhe adjusted the posture he had on the ground, facing his body upwards. Although he had been kicked down while they were having a serious conversation, he did intend to pursue the reason why he started this and he continued to speak: “In truth, I’ve been doing a lot of self-reflection recently, on whether if it’s okay for me to continue being like this.”

You Liangxing was on the bed whilst he was on the ground, and neither of them were looking at the other. But it was because of this distance where they could not see each other which made talking easier as compared to before.

You Liangxing asked: “Do you think poorly of yourself?”

Kang Shengzhe replied, “I think I’m pretty good, but I’m worried that the other person will find me lacking.”

You Liangxing said: “Is the opinion of others that important?”

Even though You Liangxing could not see him, Kang Shengzhe shook his head as he laughed, “The opinion of others do not matter, but this person’s opinion is extremely important to me.”

You Liangxing froze and asked, “Why?”

“Because...” Kang Shengzhe dragged out his voice, laughing softly, “Because I want to be with him.”

You Liangxing breathed in quickly. He did not dig deeper into the question, nor did he ask who that person was or why he was confiding in him about this issue. The layer of mist that served as an obstruction was something he would leave there, and he did not intend to pierce through it.

After pondering about it for a while, You Liangxing said: “Everyone is different from each other; it’s enough if you’re living happily.”

Kang Shengzhe hummed. Then he switched the positions they had in the conversation, and started firing endless questions, “Is it okay for me to continue living the same way without changing then?”

You Liangxing said, “Yes.”

“Is it okay for me to keep lazing around?”

You Liangxing said, “Yes.”

“Is it okay for me to not be as hardworking?”

You Liangxing said, “Yes.”

Then, Kang Shengzhe asked, “If you think all these are fine, aren’t you worried about the fact that I might make the other person suffer?”

You Liangxing returned a question, “Would you?”

Kang Shengzhe grinned, “No, I wouldn’t. I will definitely do the things that need to be done.”

Soundlessly, You Liangxing curled his lips. In the midst of his quiet laughter and the utter silence, You Liangxing could not help but realise that ever since they met, he and Kang Shengzhe had a lot of differences. Whether it was personality, hobbies or living habit, they were very different, but even though they were vastly different, it did not hinder them from getting along steadily.

It was wonderful when he thought about it.

Kang Shengzhe said, “Liang Liang, how far do you want to go as a businessman? A salary of a million? Or even higher?”

You Liangxing: “Why are you asking me these?”

Kang Shengzhe: “What do you think?”

The meaning behind those words were profound and You Liangxing did not want to think deeply into them. In order to deflect, he answered the first question: “Create a business and rush for the Top 500 in the world.”

Kang Shengzhe: “......”

This answer was evidently beyond Kang Shengzhe’s expectations, and his dream of being the head of the family by being the breadwinner shattered into smithereens. Surprised, he remarked, “Didn’t you just say that I don’t need to be that hardworking? Liang Liang, why are you working so hard?”

Calmly, You Liangxing replied, “It’s only the Top 500 in the world, it can’t be considered as hard work.”

Kang Shengzhe: “......”

A short beat later, Kang Shengzhe could no longer suppress the need to laugh. His laughter was not because he was ridiculing You Liangxing for his high goals, but because he could not contain the unadulterated joy he felt.

Kang Shengzhe giggled, saying, “Liang Liang, I just realised how different you and I are. You don’t ever need to show that you’re handsome, you’re just, really handsome, hahahahaha.”

You Liangxing: “.... Can you shut your mouth?”

Perhaps You Liangxing’s words did have an effect on him because Kang Shengzhe did not make a sound for a long time. You Liangxing lied there for quite some time before he called out, “Kang Shengzhe?”

There was still no response. You Liangxing could only sit up and lean over the bed to check on him. Kang Shengzhe’s two-metre-tall body was lying flat on the ground and both his eyes were closed, and he looked like he was sound asleep.

He actually fell asleep on the ground.

A wave of helplessness swept past You Liangxing’s heart, followed by a sense of hilarity. As he continued to gaze at Kang Shengzhe’s face, he found that he could not muster up any anger.

It was currently midnight and the moonlight was like water as it trickled through the curtains. You Liangxing hadn’t closed before he went to sleep and it reflected on half of Kang Shengzhe’s person. It was extraordinarily tranquil.

You Liangxing stretched his hand out to poke Kang Shengzhe’s face. The taller man did not show any reaction and he unconsciously relaxed, fingers gently moving aside the stray tendrils of hair that was scattered on his cheek, observing him quietly.

He could not help it; Kang Shengzhe’s appearance was truly beautiful.

When he was awake, the shape of his eyes was extremely pretty, and when he was lethargic, it had a sense of decadence. He was breath taking when he was excited, but when his eyes were closed, expression unchanged, Kang Shengzhe gave off another kind of handsome feeling – his usual aesthetic perception would be temporarily suppressed; as much as his brows and eyes constantly proclaimed him to be beautiful, it was indisputable that he was a man.

Man... You Liangxing’s heartbeat slowed. He could not help but think about the conversation he just had with Kang Shengzhe, and what it could possibly mean.

If Kang Shengzhe was female, You Liangxing would not be wavering like this. On the other hand, it was because the other party was of the same gender that made him as shaken as he was right now.

It was not that he did not understand Kang Shengzhe’s words, rather, it was because he did not dare to pierce through them. He was uncertain of where Kang Shengzhe stood; was he trying to tempt him because he was certain of his feelings, or was it more appropriate to say that it was only You Liangxing who was thinking too much?

No, he should not overthink it. The question Kang Shengzhe asked just now was merely an inquiry. How serious was this person being? Did he understand the implications of two men being together...

You Liangxing, who had always made it a point to be well-prepared ever since he was young, had a deep headache that night.

When he thought about that, You Liangxing used his thumb and index finger to flick Kang Shengzhe’s forehead once. Wanting to vent his pent-up anger, he used a lot strength in that one flick and his fingers felt a slight ache. However, Kang Shengzhe, who was sleeping deeply in his dreams, did not show the slightest reaction as he continued to sleep soundly.

He really has a talent in taking a thrashing, You Liangxing’s lips hooked up and chuckled softly. Helpless, he said: “His skull must be really hard.”

Since the stupid and tall man had fallen asleep without a sound, You Liangxing could not leave him there without caring about him. Disregarding the fact that he might get cold if he slept on the floor first, Kang Shengzhe was bound to suffer from a backache if he were to remain there and he would not be able to go on a morning run the next day. As he considered as to whether he should wake Kang Shengzhe, he eventually decided to drag Kang Shengzhe back onto the bed on his lonesome.

As he held onto Kang Shengzhe’s arms from the back, You Liangxing took a deep breath.

Kang Shengzhe’s height was proportional to his weight; even though he did not look fat, his weight was substantial. The reason why You Liangxing could lift him up was derived from the results of his usual training; if it was swapped to another person, they would not be able to move him.

In the end, Kang Shengzhe was dragged onto the bed with all his strength. And as You Liangxing was about to walk to the other side of the bed to sleep, he was suddenly hugged by someone. The little giant who had been sleeping soundly without even waking once, hugged his waist tightly and turned forcefully, thus pinning You Liangxing onto the bed with an earth-shaking momentum.

How heavy was Kang Shengzhe? He was one hundred kilograms in full. And that one hundred kilograms, in addition to the sudden acceleration slammed into You Liangxing’s chest, and You Liangxing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood right then and there.

However, the old blood could not be spat out because Kang Shengzhe blocked his mouth with his palms before he even had the chance or time to open it.

He could forget about the fact that his mouth was being blocked but this stupid and tall man was still not satisfied. First, he stiffened before he lamented out loud: “Why did I use my hands to block it?”

You Liangxing: “......”

You Liangxing could not speak, but he was hissing silently in his heart: If you didn’t use your hands, do you know that you’d be dead by now?

Kang Shengzhe’s regret only lasted for a few seconds. Although he was muffling You Liangxing, he was well-aware of the gap between his and You Liangxing’s might. He was afraid that he would beat him up and skin him like he was a carp, or perhaps he was fearful of the possibility where he would have a violent reaction to it, like delivering a flying kick and accompanying it with the line: ‘may you die without sons’. He coughed hastily and said in a serious manner, “Liang Liang, let me say one line.”

Silently, You Liangxing stared at him. In the darkness and under his shadow, Kang Shengzhe could not see his expression but he quietly said, “Please consider me, alright?”

Not long ago, the person avoiding the question was You Liangxing, but after he finished that sentence, the person trying to run became Kang Shengzhe. As if he was afraid to hear You Liangxing’s reply, he released hm and immediately shrank himself a ball, covered himself with quilt and said with a muffled and low voice, “Good night.”

Dazed, You Liangxing laid on the bed for a good while before he said, “... Good night.”

Similarly, he shrank his body on his side of the bed to pull a greater distance from quilt-covered Kang Shengzhe. You Liangxing’s heart was utterly confused and disconcerted and he did not have any will to sleep. His brain was in chaos, rattling loudly; and all it was filled with was the reverberation of Kang Shengzhe’s last words.

Alright, alright, alright.

... Sure.

No matter how much he thought about it, it was nothing more than a question of willingness.

For him, objectifying Kang Shengzhe as— objectifying him as a possible love interest, was in truth— was in truth, not impossible.

But these words were not spoken immediately, and now that it was echoing in his mind, it felt more uncomfortable than saying it out loud. You Liangxing laid on his side, and he suddenly heard that breathing behind him was particularly even. Inhale. Exhale. It was exceptionally even.

Kang Shengzhe... fell asleep?

He was so uncomfortable and yet he actually fell asleep?

Gritting his teeth, You Liangxing turned around abruptly and kicked Kang Shengzhe off the bed with one foot.

That night, You Liangxing slept terribly.

It had been a task to fall asleep for the first half of the night and he slept very lightly for the latter half, and he kept perceiving his body to be rather strange. As he was dreaming, he could not shake off the feeling that something was constantly harassing his face – sometimes it would be on his face and in others, it would be carding through his hair. There were even occasions were his neck area would itch and it was very uncomfortable overall.

When dawn arrived, the feeling became increasingly obvious as his own waist and abdomen started feeling itchy and cold. Wrenching open his eyes, You Liangxing finally woke up from his sleep.

When he lowered his head to look, Kang Shengzhe was smiling with ease and comfort. One of his hands was resting on his abdominal muscles. Beaming, he said, “Morning~”

You Liangxing: “......”

The author has something to say: Then, Kang Shengzhe was beaten to death, and the story ended there.

The translator has something to add: One of my favourite chapters to translate, my heart was so warm it ached.

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