Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 1 10.1

Sun Wu/Sun Zi- Was a high ranking military general and strategist in the 6th century B.C.

Sun Zi’s “Art of War” is the oldest military treatise book it consists of thirteen chapters which thoroughly explains tactics and theories in war. Each chapter is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and is still read for its military insights. Interestingly, a lot of its theories are still applied in modern day warfare and even businesses seek guidance in its wisdom. I know that during the Vietnam war, the generals of the Vietnam side were avidly employing tactics that they read from the Art of War to hold out their defense against the Americans.

You can read it for free here:


Rong Wang kept his promise and sure enough took Feng Ming out horse riding the next day.

When Feng Ming spotted White Cloud, he became ecstatic and was practically dancing with joy.

After a few laps of shared riding with Rong Wang, the Prince was beginning to get more familiar with his newly learnt skill so Feng Ming demanded to ride White Cloud alone.

“Impossible, you haven’t grasped the basic skills of horsemanship, how could you ride White Cloud by yourself?”


With much scorn, Feng Ming glared accusingly at the King.

“Last night, who said I was capable and gallant, I am able to do anything and simply a genius?”

Replying coyly Rong Wang offered the truth, “It was make you happy, as the Crowned Prince, how can you take others flattery seriously?”

“You tricked me again!” Feng Ming hurled back in a fit of anger, before twisting his body to face away from the man, bitter with his indignation.

Two bodies were both situated on the horse’s back, due to the close proximity of their shared seating their bodies couldn’t help but met, tightly.

As Feng Ming suddenly moved his body, brushing unknowingly against the king, he immediately triggered a response of arousal from Rong Tian.

Within moments, something had awakened beneath him, an extremely harden length infiltrated the compact space between the two men, scaring Feng Ming to the point the blood drained from his face.

He didn’t dare to move a fraction, choosing to stay cemented.

“I warned you not to thrash about.” Rong Wang’s chest was heaving slightly as he was trying to maintain himself. However, the language in his eyes was saying otherwise, as they were burning with a fervent flame when they bore into Feng Ming.

The attendants that were in the near distance didn’t seem to be aware what was happening.

Feng Ming could feel the heat radiating from Rong Wang’s member, it was scorching and obvious that lust was pulsing through the other man’s heart.

Feng Ming could only bring up images of newspapers that reported violent rape cases. With those thoughts he couldn’t help a sickly numbness that started to spread from his head downwards.

He asked in a soft voice, “I’ll be obedient and get off the horse, when you’ve settled down a bit you can dismount, all right?”

The King’s crotch was pitched up high and noticeable, if he dismounted parading himself, he would completely lose his precious idol status and his credibility with his people.

“That won’t be necessary.” Rong Wang replied with a tough tone which offered no bargaining between the two.

This only acted to send Feng Ming into a panic.

“Well, what do you want? You were the one that got aroused by yourself.” Feng Ming stared in frustration, wanting nothing further with the King.

“I warn you, I am now an appreciated and capable Crowned Prince and you aren’t allowed to touch a hair on my head.”

The bargaining chip he collected from yesterday’s events was immediately brought out and thrown onto the table. However, Feng Ming was oblivious to the fact that his beautiful angry eyes completely failed to help him threaten the King.

Instead, they were alluring to the King, as they provided a mysterious gravitational pull which almost caused him to grab Feng Ming and pin him down beneath his own body on top of the grass.

Even though it wasn’t entirely impossible to execute his possessive needs over the Prince, Rong Tian wasn’t going to make it awkward for his own men.

"What are you doing?” Feng Ming said quickly in concern.

"Letting you assist me in putting out my fire.”

The two men’s voices were lowered as much as possible, escaping any audiences.

Suddenly, Feng Ming’s hand was unwillingly tugged over and placed on top of the strong erection that was hidden beneath the King’s robes.

It was a complete weapon of destruction!

He immediately understood the King’s intentions, and his face seared with bright red and he scolded him angrily.

“You pervert!”

“Are you going to assist me or not?” Rong Wang asked impatiently, his tone was basically refusing to accept no for an answer.

The heat radiating from the organ under Feng Ming’s palm was astounding there was also a strong throbbing which surged through the man’s hardened length.

Feeling the other’s rush of blood only sent Feng Ming’s heart pounding, and it began to thump hard against his chest.

White Cloud remained at calm in comparison to his two guests who were rather restless on his back. The horse was gracefully pacing the grass paddock. His movements were slow and sturdy, and somewhat rhythmic as he caused his riders to rock gently with each step. This motion added friction between the King and the Crowned Prince.

As a result, within seconds this gyration caused Feng Ming to reach the same excited situation the King was in, he was aroused.

He cursed himself inwardly.

Gritting his teeth and sucking in the last of his sanity he spoke in a pained voice.

“There’s a condition, I’ll help you but you’ll have to help me too.”

Rong Wang was taken by surprise by this attractive condition, his mouth went dry and his crotched ached with pain from the new promise of attention.

In a hoarse seductive tone the King managed. “Hurry up, what are you dawdling on?”

Sparing no time, he practiced what he preached and immediately snaked his hand into Feng Ming’s clothes.

On the tall steed, two men began to slowly coax and caress each other.

Maintaining the intensity and yet having to be cautious of attracting their servant’s attention, heightened both their stimulations.

“I still think that you are inexperienced in this aspect.” The Regent King teased with a cunning smile.

Rong Wang large hands continued to firmly rub Feng Ming’s hard modest member.

However, the King’s own rapid breathing didn’t hide his own excitement, under Feng Ming’s gentle caresses an orgasm was welling from the pit of his stomach and it was practically on the verge of exploding.

On the other hand, Feng Ming was completely useless, his senses where thrown out the door and his brain was basically embedded in a frenzy of pleasure.

The Prince was speechless, his mouth couldn’t even function and his neck was blushed with pink. The poor Prince could only bite down his jaw to stop his whimpering to escape from his lips.

Surges of electric currents originating from their fingertips were firing neurons to their brains, stirring up the primal desires deep within, pleasing their lusts and their obvious pleasure surfaced.

Feng Ming began to whimper under the King’s unbearable touch.


At the final moment before Feng Ming’s release, Rong Tian abruptly kissed the trembling lips, sealing the sound of gratification within. The kiss helped Feng Ming escape attention from any of their attendants. If it had not been the case it would have been an extremely embarrassing groan.

Warm white milky fluid squirted into each of their palms.

“Lucky White Cloud’s coat is white.” Rong Tian commented with a smirk.

King Rong began to clean himself up, rubbing with the hems of an inner layer of his plentiful clothing and he slowly caught his breath.

Feng Ming gradually came to his senses and he too, reached into his front to start cleaning the spent friend he had in his trousers.

“Wait a moment!”

Rong Wang halted him from continuing, and from the breast of his robe he fished out a handkerchief which was covered with delicate embroidery.

With this, he reached into Feng Ming’s robes and dutifully wiped the traces of their passion from his spent member and his thighs.

Feng Ming’s face turned red and abashed but he still managed a “Thank you.”

"You\'re welcome."

Rong Tian took the stained handkerchief with the embarrassing evidence from Feng Ming and lifted it up slightly to admire it.

“I’ll keep this as a momento,” he declared seriously.

Giving no opportunity to the Prince to snatch it back, Rong Tian treasured bounty was quickly returned to a hidden chest compartment within the King’s robes.

Feng Ming eyes rapidly shot wide open, the words knocked out of his mouth.

There was a long pause before Feng Ming snapped out of his shock and screamed at the King.

“Rong Wang! You are disgustingly perverted!”

The high pitched outburst, echoed throughout the small lawn. Under these circumstances no one would even care whether the attendants would become suspicious!

Just as the Prince was going to attempt to pinch back the offensive handkerchief and destroy the shamefulness it represented, sounds of an urgent set of horse’s gallop reached his ear.

“His Royal Highness and Regent King, your eminences were both here all along!”

General Tong was the cause of the interruption, the middle aged man laughed heartedly as he sat on the back of his horse.

“We have reached an agreement with the envoy that arrived from the Country of Li. The murder of Xi Rei’s official will not damage the relationship with have with them. As for the Tong Country, we have already dispatched an ultimatum, demanding them to surrender the criminals or else we will deploy our troops immediately. However, there are other matters of the state that needs to be dealt with, and if I can ask that your eminences would grace us with your presences in the discussion court.”

“I am not going!”

With his eyes fixated on the King, Feng Ming was unwavering as he flat out refused the request.

“We will go immediately, General Tong.” The Regent King replied calm and sternly, offering the general a soft smile, and soon after he leaned closer to Feng Ming’s ear and whispered.

“If you are obedient, I’ll return the handkerchief to you.”

“You give it back first!” Feng Ming said bitterly under his breath.

"No, first you have to return with me to the court.”

“Give it back and I’ll go!”

"Come with me and I’ll return it to you.”

As their bickering was getting no where, Rong Tian turned around, to the waiting general.

“General Tong, please go ahead of us. His Royal Highness will join you soon.”

“Then…I shall take my leave first.” General Tong was not a fool. Unless he was blind, anyone could read the strange expressions on the two men’s face whilst they continued to whisper to each other, the general knew something was astray so he was more than willing to ride away.

“Feng Ming…” Rong Wang watched and waited till General Tong was in the distance and he suddenly wrapped is arms tightly around Feng Ming bringing the Prince into a tight embrace.

“What are you doing?” The Prince exerted all his strength to struggle out of the hold, but it was completely fruitless.

The difference between their physical strength could not be highlighted any better than this example.

“I’m warning you. Do no provoke me to boil over,” he threatened his dangerous dark eyes narrowed setting them onto Feng Ming’s face.

The grave expression sent fear to the boy, as Feng Ming unconsciously ceased his struggle.

Rong Tian then gently cautioned him, “I am really tempted to throw you onto the grass and pin you down right now and have my way with you. Do not give me an excuse to do so”

Like storm clouds approaching bringing ominous trouble, and setting off barometers, Feng Ming’s eyes were alarmed as panic sank in.

Rong Wang laughed.

“I don’t want to scare you. However, if you don’t change your behavior sooner or later you will reap the punishment. Do I make myself clear? Let’s go to the hall now.”

He promptly dismounted the horse, and held out his arms to carry a silent Feng Ming from his perch.

As easily the King had managed to scare Feng Ming, he quickly coaxed the boy with his charm. The Prince earnestly followed in the older man’s footsteps as they both made their way back to the courtroom.

“When are you going to return that handkerchief to me?” he asked softly as he trailed behind as they both proceeded to return to the official discussion hall.

“You aren’t a woman, is your skin that thin?” he teased, not folding into the request.

“Don’t all men have their dignity?” was the Prince’s rebuttal.

The couple’s spat continued as they argued with their voices lowered, even when they entered the hall.

“Your Highness, we bid you well!” A chorus of men startled Feng Ming as they greeted the Crown Prince’s entrance.

Every face in plain sight was full of respect as they paid their good wishes to the Prince.

Feng Ming was speechless, inwardly he could only think the people of this era, could easily sway their attitudes and wasn’t the change ridiculously fast?

The snap finger change didn’t even allow this modern man the have the luxury of giving them all a sigh first.

However, since he assumed his role as the Crowned Prince it was the first time he felt admired, and it wasn’t hard to let it get to his head. After all it was a good feeling to be able pleased with what he had accomplished for once.

Rong Wang immediately caught Feng Ming’s smug expression so he dipped his head down towards the shorter man and whispered a caution.

“Don’t act so pleased with yourself, If they discover that you are an imposter, they will certainly be the first to drag you out to roast on the fire.”

The King’s words came as a bucket of cold water dumped on Feng Ming’s head, and it immediately washed away the smitten smile of pride on the Prince’s lips.

Feng Ming cursed the man inwardly, before grinding his teeth begrudgingly.

“I am the real Prince, you have to stop suspecting me!” he spat gingerly.

The King returned with a laugh, not paying attention to the topic any more he moved to sit down in his seat.

Feng Ming followed suit and placed himself next to the Regent King in their shared seating platform in the middle of the room.

Everyone else promptly sat in their positions, and soon enough the room was engaged with the affairs of the country.

Feng Ming originally had no interest in such tedious matters. The show of his merit yesterday was merely an anger outburst that was triggered by Rong Wang’s mistreatments.

He listened for a while, barely putting any effort in focusing on the squabbling voices. It didn’t take long for his mind to stray elsewhere.

"His Royal Highness?” a voiced called.

Feng Ming frowned as he heard his cue to join the boring conversation taking place in front of him. All this time, instead of listening attentively he had been deep in the midst of his own thoughts.

The Prince had been enwrapped in scheming how he would take White Cloud for himself, if he could somehow pry the prized horse from the Regent King’s possession.

Pushing this plans aside, Feng Ming raised his head, where he unexpectedly come face to face with General Chu who was looking at him with much deference.

"Ah?" The Prince managed, beckoning a question to be asked as he sat completely clueless to where he was meant to be involved.

“His Majesty, why are you frowning? Is there something you are not satisfied with in the tax policies, perhaps a problem?”

Feng Ming’s eyes shot around the room, where all his subjects were looking at him as if they were anticipating another amazing speech of power from the ‘capable’ Crowned Prince.

Where the hell was he going to pull out an awe inspiring speech?

Towards tax, accounting and finance Feng Ming didn’t have the slightest clue, nor did he ever care for learning it.

“There’s nothing wrong, just carry out what you have just discussed.” Feng Ming hastily dismissed the issue as he nodded, casually waving the matter.

Feng Ming couldn’t get the topic off his back, as General Chu continued to stare at him strangely, after a long pause he advised the Crown Prince. “However, your Highness we haven’t been able to draw a conclusion for our tax policy negotiations…”

What a complete shame! Feng Ming was caught out in his absent mindedness and his face was faltering from his embarrassment.

Rong Tian stepped into the conversation.

“The Prince has had little contact with the happenings of the tax system hence the lack of experience and knowledge on such matters is understandable.”

The King’s intermission was out of good will, offering to scrape what remained of the Prince’s pride. Instead of helping out, Feng Ming could only feel the mockery in the man’s tone.

His anger was on its way to rebirth.

In addition, during his absentminded wavering he came to a realization that the King had completely taken advantage of him when they rode White Cloud.

Why did I have to help him do’ that’?

When he cleaned me ‘down there’ and kept the evidence!

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