Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 2.5

Aaaiiish.... this is too much. I don’t want tothink anymore.

The most important thing right now is to make the enemy feel shocked andat awe. But instead, the enemy is the one who has been surprising usconstantly. Now is the time to figure out how to turn things around and givethem a taste of their own medicine.

What kindsof methods did Rong Tian teach me that could help? En…it should be somethinglike when two armies go against each other, if one army’s military strength islacking, then they have to sustain the momentum by maintaining an imposingmanner. War does not only consist of physical battles; it also involves thestrengths and talents of the leaders. The confrontation between two enemygenerals is extremely important. History proves that the general of an armywith weak military strength utilizes his outstanding eloquence to make theother side consider the consequences of waging a battle. Depending on the hypotheticalaftermath, there is a chance they can come out safe and sound. There are quitea few examples of such a thing happening.

At the time when Rong Tian was teaching him on such strategies, FengMing had felt like he was being buried in a big pile of information. Justlistening had already made him confused and disoriented. In a stupidly adorableway, he had asked, “So, if we cannot beat them, then scare them until theybecome scared and run away on their own?”

Amused by Feng Ming’s question, poor Rong Tian could only nod and say“Yes,” as he tossed the war discussion aside and wrapped his dim-witted studentin an embrace. He promptly took him to bed and thoroughly conducted a course onphysical education.

Recalling that scene made Feng Ming blush, but now was not the time tothink about such things. He had to focus on remembering what Rong Tian hadtaught him about “If you can’t beat them, then frighten them until they run.”

When it comes to striking fear in people, Feng Ming certainly had noability to speak of in regards to the matter.

“I am from the vast and majestic Kingdom of Xi Lei that can boast aboutits considerable military strength. Our countries have never had any animositybetween one another. Even though, currently, we are suffering from some smallinternal disputes, and Rong Tian has temporarily decided not to return to thekingdom, Dong Fan’s king has already pledged his allegiance to him. Taking backXi Lei in a short period is not difficult for him.

As for the Xiao Family, we have numerous experts located throughout eachkingdom. The matter of tonight also involves the Kingdom of Tong’s royalty. Youhave managed to offend so many big figures, are you not afraid of theconsequences, Prince?”

Feng Ming coldly hmphed after saying all that.

“Without proper reason, you have destroyed our Xiao Family’s fleets andassaulted Tong Kingdom’s royal ship. Please, Your Highness, will you provide uswith an explanation for your actions? Otherwise, even if we all die tonight inbattle, rumours will still be spread, and eventually the day will come whensomeone will take revenge for me and annihilate Dan Lin’s royal family.”

He Di looked at Feng Ming’s serious expression, while internally, he wassecretly laughing.

Beautiful and handsome, with a pure disposition, despite his hands andbody covered entirely in blood. He didn’t know why, but this Duke Ming simplydid not give the impression of being a ruthless person.

He Di’s natural disposition is that of a callous man. When it comes tofighting, he is merciless and extremely good at observing an enemy’s facialexpression. Duke Ming’s eyes showed no confusion, instead they had a brilliantshine, like water rippling or a flawless crystal. In addition, there was atrace of bewilderment and indignation as he spoke. Only one word could describehim, fascinating!

In response to Feng Ming’s righteous speech and interrogation, He Di puton an elaborate act. “Duke Ming has truly accused me unjustly. Dan Lin is amere, tiny island. How could we ever dare to openly assault Xi Lei, Tong, andthe Xiao Family at the same time? Tonight’s events were me showing my goodintentions.”

“Good intentions?”

On board the Xiao Family ship, everyone’s eyes stared daggers at him.

Stopscrewing around!

“You call this good intentions?”

He Di’s lips curved up and he boasted with no shame. “Xiao Family’syoung lord has a great ambition to clear a path through Dan Lin’s pirates inorder to open a route that connects all 11 kingdoms and also to gain access toour luminous sand. Hearing the news, this prince felt so elated. The piratesare a problem that has caused our royal family constant headaches. Our luminoussand lies around everywhere in Dan Lin, but we have been unable to transport itoutside. This is something of great regret for us.”

Even Feng Ming couldn’t believe that such an aggressive assault could beconsidered good intentions, but hearing He Di’s words, he couldn’t help butfind them somehow reasonable.

If Zi Yan were here, no doubt he would be able to immediately expose HeDi’s tricks. Dan Lin’s royalty obviously colluded with the pirates in order toincrease the value of their sand. At the same, they could form a network tosafeguard the straits of Dan Lin.

“I secretly guessed that since the Xiao Family’s young lord has thecourage to challenge the pirates, they must be confident in their ability todefeat them. The Xiao Family’s battle capabilities are so famous; it only makessense that they would be prepared and practice fighting in a naval battle. DukeMing, please forgive He Di for behaving a tad bit arrogant...”

He Di’s frank and unpretentious words made others feel a sense ofadmiration towards him. However, his smile hinted at his merciless and arrogantnature.

“When it comes to fighting pirates, I myself have a bit of experience.Your strategies may be a bit lacking and fighting according to the Art of Waris also no good. The act of battle just now was simply me wanting to initiate afriendly practice so the effect can be optimum. When I heard that Duke Ming’sfleet would be arriving, I specially chose to come here to give Duke Ming adrill in naval battles.”

A drill?

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

If he wasn’t worried about his image in front of the others, Feng Mingwould definitely have had his jaw drop in utter disbelief.

Who the hellare you trying to deceive with that excuse!?

He Di continued on, “That is why, according to my command, all thesoldiers used short arrowheads to prevent damage to any internal organs and anydeaths. However, it is important that the drill looks like a true naval battle,so I commanded my soldiers to send the arrows a little higher. Doing so wouldcause minor injuries that lower your fighting capacity, but would not take anylives.”

He Di’s tone suddenly shifted to one of bitterness as he said,“Unfortunately, Duke Ming couldn’t comprehend my intentions as kindness.I waited for you to show mercy, but instead you and your men wiped out thelives of men on two of my ships.”

Ever since Feng Ming’s soul descended to this era, because of his highstatus, he had constantly travelled all over the land. He had met his fairshare of eccentric personalities, but this was the first time he had comeacross someone so brazen and shameless. His argument was not only irrational,but he even had the nerve to express displeasure.

He was at a loss for words and could only stare dumbfoundedly at theunreasonable man.

How did they, as the victims of a sneak attack, become the ones in thewrong?

“How ridiculous!” Rong Hu exclaimed, “A sneak attack is a sneak attack.Where in the world would such a thing be considered a practice drill? Withoutany warning, you ambushed us in the middle of the night. You obviously lookeddown on us, and now you’re standing here talking nonsense.”

His words completely hit the nail that even Luo Yun could not help butapplaud him internally.

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