Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 15 3.1

Feng Ming wasstunned.

A peace treaty?

Should such an important thing be mentioned sononchalantly? I heard a peace treaty between kingdoms should be very strict.After all, the contents would determine many significant aspects of foreignrelations.

Does he want to decrease the impact of the assaulttoday by using a peace treaty to overshadow what he has done?

“Signing atreaty here… is not appropriate, is it?”

“It’s notout of place at all. Don’t tell me that, just now, Duke Ming was only speakingcasually and had no intention to fulfil what he previously said.”

“But mystatus, at the moment, is not…”

“Does XiLei’s, Duke Ming, surprisingly hold no power to represent his country insigning a treaty? Don’t tell me that, as the young lord of the Xiao Family, youalso don’t have the right to make any decisions either?”

This.... With both overbearing power of Xi Lei and Xiao Family on myside it would be unlikely for him to give me unequal treaty, right?

He Di,revealing his obstinate and unruly side, without allowing Feng Ming a chance torespond, continued, “Since Duke Ming has refused to come aboard my ship, then Iwill just send one of my men over to yours. Is that fine? Humph, the goodintentions of Dan Lin being suspected truly makes me feel dissatisfied. If itweren’t for a future of peace and harmony for my people, this Prince would notstand for this humiliation.”

He then gavean order to his subordinate. “Kong Liu, take a boat and go alone to their side.Show them our Dan Lin’s sincerity in handling matter.”

Kong Liuobeyed and left for his assignment.

The smallboat he used, reached the Xiao ship, where he was personally received by LuoDeng. In his hands was a box.

Seeing KongLiu bravely enter enemy territory alone, the Xiao Family men felt that thissubordinate of Dan Lin’s prince was quite exceptional.

If they knewthat Kong Liu, from an early age, had lived as a pirate, then they would nothave been so surprised.

A pirate isan individual that faces mysterious and unpredictable occurrences at often whenat sea. Dealing with death is a common thing in their lives. It can be saidthat pirates are among those who are least afraid of death.

And as aperson whom He Di personally selected from among the pirates, Kong Liu wasmeticulously trained to never fear death.

When KongLiu arrived in front of Feng Ming, despite the numerous experts surroundingwith hands at the hilts of their swords, he remained calm. Opening the smallbox, he took out a pen, an ink slab, and two papers that had the contents ofthe peace treaty written.

The men onboard did not completely understand the scene that was occurring in front ofthem. When it comes to killing and shipping goods, they could be consideredexperts. However, politics was beyond their realm of comprehension. In RongHu’s case, he had been following Rong Tian for years, resulting in a basicknowledge of politics. He voluntarily stepped forward and accepted the peacetreaty. With utmost respect, he presented the items to Feng Ming and proceededto step back. From behind, Rong Hu evaluated the contents.

Feng Ming scannedthe document for any clauses that would deem the treaty as unfair.

To hissurprise, everything on it could be considered ideal. The treaty called formutual cooperation between the two sides. As Dan Lin’s representative, He Dihad already stamped his seal on the papers.

There wereroughly three parts to the proposed treaty.

First, DanLin’s royalty, Xi Lei’s King Rong Tian and Duke Ming - Feng Ming being includeddue to his role as representative - will form a treaty of nonaggression andfriendship.

Second, theroute to Dan Lin’s luminous sand will be opened. All profit made will bedivided evenly among the parties involved. Dan Lin’s portion of the profit willnot go to the royal family, but rather be assigned to the Second Prince, He Di.

Third, He Didesires to do business with the Xiao Family. Profit from the sand will ofcourse be included. The Xiao Family and Dan Lin will exchange luxury goods,daily necessities, and military supplies. Most importantly, Dan Lin needsmaterials to build ships. The Xiao Family will annually provide supplies forthe construction.

“What do youthink?” Feng Ming looked behind at Rong Hu for his opinion.

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